The firm’s notaries dispense traditional notarial services as well as notarial expertise.

Mtre Christine Turgeon, LLB, DDN

Associate Notary

It will be a pleasure for her to assist you throughout your life milestones, whether for purchasing a new property, refinancing, drafting a will or a protection mandate, or a succession settlement.

Mtre Andréanne Ouellet, LLB, DDN

Associate Notary + Accredited Family Mediator

She has since been offering notarial services in the traditional fields of notarial law, although she specializes in personal and family law.

Mr. Michel Turgeon, LLB, DDN

Honorary Notary, Firm Founder

Michel Turgeon co-founded the firm in 1976. From the beginning of his practice, he joined forces with Yves Sansoucy, his schoolmate.

Mr. Yves Sansoucy, LLB, DDN

Honorary Notary, Firm Founder

Yves Sansoucy co-founded the firm in 1976. From the beginning of his practice, he joined forces with Michel Turgeon, his schoolmate.

Mtre Marie-Josée Lessard, LLB, DDN


Marie-Josée Lessard, a notary, earned her Bachelor’s degree in Law (LL.B) in 1989 and completed her training by obtaining a Diploma in Notarial Law (D.D.N.) from the University of Montreal in 1990. 

Mtre Sylvie Piché, LLB, DDN


After graduating from the University of Montreal with a law degree in 1989 and obtaining a Master’s in Notarial Law in 1990, Sylvie Piché co-founded the notary office Lessard and Piché, in Laval, with Marie-Josée Lessard that same year. 

Kim Parent, LLB

Notary Intern

Kim Parent first joined the team at Turgeon, Sansoucy & Ouellet Notaries as a law student.

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